A Global Methodist Congregation
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Dear Church Family,

We all have reminders of things that occurred in particular months that are stored in our memories. For some it’s birthdates or anniversaries of important events, but for me the month of March is a reminder of days spent in the military. Why? Because in the military we would “march” practically everywhere we went on base. There was one marching maneuver that was employed which forced the first two squads to be dependent upon the third squad. This maneuver was called “Eyes Right.”

When a platoon is in formation there are three columns of 15 or so personnel in line one behind the other. As they are marching forward, the sergeant may give the command of “Eyes Right” for the purpose of saluting an officer while the platoon marches by. When the command is called, the personnel in ranks one and two turn their heads to the right fixing their gaze upon the personnel in the third rank to their immediate right. The personnel in the third rank continues looking forward, guiding the platoon. This teaches us that we can’t always be dependent upon ourselves to navigate life’s challenges. There are times when independence must be replaced with dependence on one or more people to be successful in the journey God has laid before us.

Relying on another can be difficult at times but it is a necessity in life for us to succeed in our journey. The Preacher said “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” (Eccl. 4:9-10). God did not create us to be alone, but to be in relationship with others to carry the tasks of our day. To help carry the burden of our work for the purpose of effectively meeting the needs of a community. No person has all that it takes to survive alone and God assures His word to supply all of our needs is met in the people He places in our lives. So, stretch out your faith in God as well as in others; learn to depend upon those who have been given to help while reaping the blessings of dependence.


Pastor Tommy


March 2: Emily Zachary

March 3: Joey Tirpak

March 3: Cory Whitfield

March 6: Kurt Shuman

March 14: Anthony Clements

March 17: Jean Kicklighter

March 17: Autumn Venturelli

March 17: Monique Maddox-Hendriksen

March 20: Justin Copeland

March 21: Chris Jones

March 21: Tanner Rushing

March 21: Corinne Venturelli

March 31: Ashley Clements Selfridge


March 2: No Kids’ Power Hour (Communion Sunday)

March 9: Karen Bennett

March 16: Autumn Venturelli

March 23: Terry Jones

March 30: Autumn Venturelli


Susan Ehret and John Bennett

The Alpha Leadership Board will meet March 9 at 5:00 pm. It is very important for you to be there if you’re on the board.

We will be having the monthly Men’s Ministry Breakfast on Sunday, March 9 at 8:00 a.m. Join us the 2nd Sunday of each month for food and fellowship.

Our annual “Fat Tuesday” all-you-can-eat Pancake Supper will be Tuesday, March 4 5:00-7:00 p.m. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for kids under 8. We will have pancakes, sausage and beverages. All proceeds benefit the Men’s Ministry at Alpha. Tickets available now!

Our season of Lent (preparation for Easter) will begin with our annual Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, March 5 at 6:00 pm. We will begin the evening with supper to be followed by the service. Please let Susan know if you’ll be at dinner so we can prepare enough food. She can be reached in the office at (912) 748-4025 or by email at AlphaMethodist@bellsouth.net

Willene Stone will be leading a Lenten Bible Study on Women in the Bible on Wednesdays during Lent. The study will be every other Wednesday beginning on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and continuing through Holy Week (April 16.) The study will be held at her house and everyone is welcome. Please RSVP to Willene at Willene.I.Stone@gmail.com

On Sunday, March 30 there will be a Connectional Church 5th Sunday service with our sister GMC churches in the area. The service will be led by Nick Pumfrey (pastor at Clyo Community Church) and will be held at the Marlow Methodist Church at 6:00 p.m. These connectional events are always a great time of praise and hearing The Word, so you are encouraged to come!

Palm Sunday is coming soon (April 13) and we will be having our annual covered-dish meal and egg hunt right after the service. We need donations of filled eggs for the hunt so please begin bringing those and give them to Susan Ehret or Autumn Venturelli. We’d love to have your donations by Wednesday, April 9 so we have time to find more if needed.

The ladies of the church are invited to a baby shower for Emily Ehret Lawler’s new baby boy on Sunday, March 2 at 12:30. The event will be in the social hall and lunch will be served. Please RSVP to Willene.I.Stone@gmail.com by February 27. Emily is registered at Amazon.com.

The ladies of the church are invited to a Bridal Shower for Miss Rebekah Braswell Sunday evening, March 23, 2025 at 5:30 o’clock in the social hall. Bekah is registered at TheKnot.com and Target.com, but since she is moving to Texas the following week, they would prefer gift cards.

MARCH 2025

We do not want to remove anyone who still needs prayers, just for the sake of removing people. However, there are several on here that we do not personally know or have not gotten recent updates. If there is anyone on the list who has recovered, please let us know. Again, please do not remove people if they still need prayers! Our prayer life at Alpha is one of our strengths.


Christians Around the World

Our Nation

Our Military

First Responders

Growth of the Church

Jen Parker and her family

Our Homeless

Victims of the hurricane and floods

Walter Sapp Jr and his family

Ryder Cary


Lois Clements

Shari Harrelson

Janice and Larry Stricklin


Jazie Ingram

Betty Vickery


Ron Gray


The Family and Friends of Lajuan Boyd The Family and Friends of Sammy Rogers


Betty Vickery

Cathy Cribbs

Ruthie Brown (James' mother)

Jenny Myers (Terry’s sister)

Trish West

Anna Kelley

Phyllis Graham Harper

Harry Godbee

Ina Lynn

Bubba Daiss

Lauren Humble

Dorothy Eagerton (Dottie's mom)

Lily Mae Stafford

Patricia Willis

Deborah Dean (Julie R's sister-in-law)

Betty Petrides

Betty Knight

Jimmi Taylor

Fred Denhardt

Linda Denhardt

Nikki Sullivan

Stephen Ehret

Andrew Ehret

Colleen Keyser

Jimmy Rogers